Curfew (Borough of Stratford) -

It is illegal for any minor under the age of 18 to be on any public street, playground, public place or quasi-public place between the hours of:
10:00 p.m. through 5:00 a.m. EVERY NIGHT 

Parents, guardians, or those having custody of such minors, who will suffer or permit a minor to violate the curfew law will be charged and summonsed to appear in court.

For a first offense, a parent, guardian, juvenile or both, may be fined up to
$500.00 and may be punished up to 30 day in jail.
Authority: Ordinance 9.16

Halloween Curfew
The officers of the Stratford Police Department would like to take this opportunity to remind children & parents of a few tips to ensure public safety within the Borough of Stratford . Additionally, a strict 7:00 p.m. CURFEW will be in effect from October 27th, through October 31st. For more information the Borough’s Halloween Curfew

Stratford Police Department: CourageIntegrityDedication

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